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Gaseous coal substances exposes Hwange residents to TB




In the scorching sun, Litha Ncube and her nine-year-old daughter are armed with hoes and shovels as they make way to a dumpsite to scavenge for a precious by-product of coal, coke.


The poverty-stricken widow from Hwange’s Madumabisa Village says she has no option but to scrounge for the product in a life-threatening environment that has claimed the lives of many. This is her only means of survival. 

As she digs the dumpsite without any Personal Protective Clothing (PPE) such as the surgical mask, her daughter’s task is to pick and separate the coke from the chaff and fill a 50-kilogramme sack. This quantity of coke fetches US$5, which she says helps to sustain her family.

Her husband died at the height of Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 after he was diagnosed with Tubercolosis (TB) which he  contracted due to inhaling of coal dust at the same dumpsite. 


Ncube was also diagnosed and it took her over 12 months to fully recover. 

“If I stop, who will support my children?” Ncube quizzes as she continues to dig. 



Ncube is among the many women in Hwange who have resorted to trespassing into the Hwange Colliery Company Limited (HCCL) dumpsite in search of coke, which they resell to make ends meet.

TB is one of the leading causes of death in Zimbabwe. 

According to Community Working Group on Health, about 6 300 Zimbabweans die of TB each year despite it being preventable and curable.


The African region has the second-highest tuberculosis burden worldwide, after Southeast Asia. under the World Health Organisation End Tuberculosis Strategy, countries should aim to reduce TB cases by 80% and cut deaths by 90% by 2030 compared with 2015.

According to National Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe president Kurebwa Javangwe Nomboka, gaseous substances from coal dusts have left many Hwange villagers and residents exposed to TB, although many are not documented. 

‘The prevalence of TB is very high, but undocumented in the areas we have done programs which are around the mining community of Hwange,” Nomboka told VicFallsLive


“Coal is the commonly mined mineral in the area  and is well known for its combustible nature and the emission of dangerous poisonous gases.”

Nomboka says apart from residents such as Ncube, the scourge is higher in the mining companies, largely Chinese owned. 

He says the mostly affected are underground miners and even those involved in the processing of coal to coking coke.


” Examples of areas with a high risk of TB which my team have visited are HC, Hwange Coal Gasification and South Mining,” he revealed. 

“The environment in these mines is heavily embroidered or engulfed with coal dust and gaseous substances which causes a high risk of TB and other related diseases like Pneumoconiosis.” 

These heavy dusts and gaseous substances, Nomboka says are also evident in the residential areas and thus posing a risk to the families of miners.


” At Hwange  Coal  Gasification at times the whole complex is engulfed with gaseous substances to an extent that you won’t even be in a position to see buildings or people around you,” 

“Besides the dust and gaseous substances there is immense heat that comes out from the furnaces and the personnel working such under environments are spotted with improper and inadequate PPEs and the issue  in these mines has become of lesser priority as it is only acquired when we raise a red flag as a union.”

Nomboka said the PPEs being acquired does not meet the standard required under the Mining industry safety regulations leaving workers vulnerable to contracting TB and other related diseases.  


” As a trade union we have reigned in on these defaulting companies to comply with the mining safety regulations and those found not to be in compliance with the regulations have had to be litigated against in order for them to comply,” Nomboka revealed. 

“The country needs to adopt stern measures on those who fail to comply with mining safety regulations by enacting laws which provide for hefty fines for companies who fail to provide safety nets for their employees and proper and adequate protective clothing.”



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Hope and comfort in hard times: Marvin Dube’s ‘Munoziva Zvose’ releases August 3rd





Meet Marvin Dube, a gospel artist with a voice that can move mountains. Born in Kadoma and raised in various towns across Zimbabwe, Marvin’s roots trace back to Binga Junamina village, where his Tonga heritage runs deep.


Now based in the United Kingdom, Marvin is making waves in the gospel music scene with his latest single, “Munoziva Zvose,” set to release on August 3rd.

The song was born out of a powerful vision shared by Marvin’s friend, Simbayi Zwidza. “He saw a vivid image of God knowing everything we go through, even the things we don’t understand,” Marvin recounts.This message resonated deeply with Marvin, prompting him to write a verse thanking God for his grace in the face of hardship.

“‘Munoziva Zvose’ is a message of hope and comfort,” Marvin explains. “It reminds people that they’re not alone in their struggles. God is with them, knows their struggles, and will answer their prayers.” The song is a testament to Marvin’s artistic vision: using his music to touch lives, heal the brokenhearted, and spread God’s love.


What makes this track even more special is that Marvin is featuring on it alongside Simbayi Zwidza, whose vision inspired the song. “I’m thrilled to be collaborating with Simbayi on this powerful track,” Marvin says. “Together, we’re bringing a message of hope and comfort to those who need it most.”

Marvin Dube

What sets “Munoziva Zvose” apart from Marvin’s previous releases is its deeper, more reverent tone. The song leans towards worship music, encouraging a stronger connection with God. With its powerful melody, strong vocals, and heartfelt lyrics, this song is a blessing for anyone seeking a more profound connection with God, he says.

Marvin’s church, Spoken Ministry, has been incredibly supportive of this project, and he knows it will strengthen and edify the body of Christ. With Simbayi’s gift as a missionary preacher, the song’s potential to reach more people and share the message of faith is amplified.

“This song is a tool for evangelism,” Marvin says. “We plan to use this release to inspire others, share the message of hope, and continue to drive the missionary work we’re passionate about.”


Get ready to be inspired by Marvin Dube’s “Munoziva Zvose,” a song that will resonate with anyone facing difficult times and remind them that God is always with them.

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Food insecurity hits Matabeleland North province amid El Nino crisis





A devastating food insecurity crisis has gripped Matabeleland North province, with a staggering 520 524 people struggling to access basic nutrition, according to Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube.


The region has borne the brunt of the severe El Nino effects, leaving a significant portion of the population vulnerable.

Minister Ncube revealed these alarming figures while presenting the mid-term budget, which focuses on addressing the far-reaching consequences of El Nino.

To combat this crisis, Ncube said the government has distributed 1 839.2 metric tonnes of grain, for Matabeleland North, which represents only 16% of the required 11 711.8 metric tonnes needed to sustain the population for three months.


The crisis has reportedly affected a staggering 7.7 million people nationwide, including  six million in rural areas and 1.7 million in urban areas, who are projected to face food insecurity in 2024.

Minister Ncube outlined a two-pronged response strategy to address the grain shortage.

“Government (will be) importing 300 000 metric tonnes of grain for distribution to vulnerable members of society, while expecting the private sector to import at least 464 000 metric tonnes of grain for sale through normal market channels.”


Nationally, the grain importation plan for 2024 aims to address the shortfall of 765 000 metric tonnes.

The government, according to Ncube, has already imported 10,187 metric tonnes of grain, now stored in Grain Marketing Board (GMB) silos.

Furthermore, ZWL60.9 million has been allocated for grain distribution to 10 provinces, resulting in the distribution of 32 241.2 metric tonnes of grain to food-insecure households as of June 15.


Minister Ncube emphasized that the government’s efforts are being complemented by insurance risk premiums from the Africa Risk Capacity, estimated at US$31.8 million, and combined payouts from the government and development partners.

These funds will be distributed through cash transfers to the most affected districts.

Development partners such as the are also supporting food mitigation efforts in response to the declaration of a National State of Disaster.


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In the community

Lupane’s dark classrooms: MP seeks answers on electrification and poor academic performance





 34 out of 141 schools in Lupane are electrified


A Lupane Member of Parliament, Mail Nkomo, recently expressed concern in the National Assembly about the zero-pass rate in Lupane and sought solutions to address this issue.

She directed her concerns to the Minister of Energy and Power Development, asking when the ministry would electrify schools in Lupane to address the zero-pass rate.

In response, Minister Edgar Moyo stated that only 34 schools in the district are powered. “Lupane has a total of 141 schools, comprising 114 primary and 37 secondary schools,” he responded.


“Of these, 34 schools, including administration blocks and school cottages, are completely electrified.” Minister Moyo added that his ministry is constructing power lines outside Lupane Centre to cater to more schools.

“Somgolo and Makhekhe schools were recently completed, and other schools have had solar systems installed through the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and development partners collaborating with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education.”

Nkomo further probed the minister on the government’s policy regarding rural electrification and power sustainability in rural areas, as well as plans for maintaining power lines in public places.


Minister Moyo elaborated, “The Ministry, through the REA, collects 6% of all electricity sales made by ZETDC and other retailers. The Rural Electrification Fund (REF) is used to provide access to a reliable electric power supply for rural dwellers, regardless of their location or occupation, in a way that allows for a reasonable return on investment through an appropriate tariff that is economically responsive and supportive of rural areas. The REF hands over the network to ZETDC for operation and maintenance to ensure efficient grid expansion and total access strategy.”

Matabeleland North province has had the worst Grade 7 pass rate in recent years. For instance, in the 2021 Grade 7 results, 51 schools failed to achieve a single pass, according to government data. The previous year, 85 schools recorded a zero percent pass rate. Since then, the ministry has refused to release provincial results to the media, citing concerns about causing divisions.

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