
Victoria Falls court convicts man for underage sexual relationship




Victoria Falls Resident Magistrate Gift Manyika has sentenced Smile Muchimba (25) to three years in prison, with one year suspended for five years on condition of good behavior, for having sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl, resulting in pregnancy.


Muchimba, of Batanani Village 5, Chikandakubi, Chief Shana, Jambezi, was convicted of contravening Section 70(1/a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act, Chapter 9:23, which prohibits having extra-marital sexual intercourse with a young person.

According to the state’s outline, Muchimba started a romantic relationship with the complainant, (14), in November last year, and had sexual intercourse with her several times between June 1 and July 31, at her homestead.

The complainant missed her period in August 2024 and revealed the matter to her grandmother, who reported it to the police, leading to Muchimba’s arrest.


In his judgment, Magistrate Manyika considered Muchimba’s age and the fact that the complainant was already pregnant and needed care. He sentenced Muchimba to three years in prison, with one year suspended for five years on condition of good behavior.



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