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Kachechete embraces sustainable energy with new biogas digesters




In a significant step towards sustainable energy, the rural community of Kachechete has successfully commissioned 24 biogas digesters.


This initiative, launched in collaboration with Wild Horizons, the Rotary Club of Victoria Falls, and the local community, aims to reduce reliance on traditional energy sources like firewood and fossil fuels.

“The biogas digesters align perfectly with our national vision 2030 objectives, which aim to create a modern, prosperous Zimbabwe,” said Silibaziso Mlotshwa, speaking on behalf of acting Chief Mvuthu, Bishop Matata Sibanda.

“Embracing sustainable, clean energy solutions like this project helps uplift our communities while contributing to national and global sustainability goals.”


The biogas digesters provide a critical alternative to firewood, reducing pressure on local forests. “We are only allowed to fetch firewood from designated forest areas on Thursdays, which is often insufficient for our needs. The biogas digesters will help close this gap and protect our valuable forests,” Mlotshwa added.

Community members, especially women and girls, are expected to benefit significantly from the biogas project. “The introduction of biogas technology means our girls have more time for schoolwork and are less exposed to dangers like abuse while fetching firewood. This project is a blessing for our community,” said Monica Matibi, a local resident.

Wild Horizons representative Tendani Nemalwondo explained the environmental and economic benefits of the biogas digesters, which convert organic waste into methane gas. “Biogas digesters are eco-friendly devices that provide sustainable energy for cooking, heating, lighting, and even electricity generation. They also produce bio-fertilizer and natural pesticides, enhancing agricultural productivity.”


Lanforce Energy’s Chief Operating Officer Victor Tarirayi highlighted the cost-effectiveness of biogas technology, noting its potential to reduce household expenses significantly. “A biogas digester is a cost-effective solution; once installed, it can cut energy costs dramatically. For a household of six, which might spend US$30 monthly on gas or electricity, these savings can be redirected to other needs like school fees.”


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Father in court for rape of daughter




A 31-year-old man from Victoria Falls appeared in court on Monday facing two counts of rape against his 15-year-old daughter.


Elton Zibusiso Nyathi, was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody to September 30 at the Hwange Regional Court.

According to court records, Nyathi allegedly raped his daughter on two separate occasions. The first incident occurred on September 4, at around midnight, when Nyathi entered his daughter’s bedroom and forcibly had sexual intercourse with her without her consent and threatened to kill her if she reveals the matter to anyone.

The second incident occurred on September 9, at around 3 pm, when Nyathi dragged his daughter to his bedroom and again forcibly had sexual intercourse with her without her consent.


“Accused person who is the complainant’s father arrived at home and asked the complainant to cook potato chips for him,” the state records reads.

“The complainant then went to the kitchen to prepare the potato chips, the accused person then followed the complainant in the kitchen, grabbed the complainant’s hand and dragged her to his bedroom and locked the door. Whilst in the bedroom the accused person pushed the complainant to the floor and she fell down and he raped her.”

The court records indicate that Nyathi has a known record of previous convictions and has pending cases at court, including unlawful entry into premises.


The prosecution argued that Nyathi is likely to interfere with evidence and witnesses, given his relationship with the complainant, and is also likely to commit other offences. Additionally, the prosecution argued that Nyathi is likely to abscond due to the seriousness of the offence and the potential lengthy sentence he may face if convicted.

The magistrate, Gift Manyika, remanded Nyathi in custody, citing the seriousness of the offence and the need to protect the complainant and the community.

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Villagers weigh in on elephant culling: ‘they should kill them’




As the Zimbabwean government considers culling elephants to provide protein to starving communities, villagers from Matabeleland North province share their thoughts on the controversial plan.


Councilor from Mabale, Eugene Sibanda from Ward 17 welcomes the idea, citing the devastating drought and the need for community development. “We’re tired of the destructions they have done in our communities, they are now too many so their decision to kill is welcomed,” he says. “When will this happen?”

Lenziwe Nyoni from Kamativi has a personal reason for supporting the culling. “Elephants killed my father in 2013,” she says, her voice trembling. “We want compensation and justice. They should kill them.”

Elizabeth Thebe from Chief Mvuthu in Hwange is frustrated with the destruction caused by elephants. “They’re not our cows,” she says. “We’re scared to move around, and they destroy our fields. If the owners want to kill them, that’s alright. They should kill them.”


Daniel Sithole from Green Shango Environmental Trust agrees with the minister’s decision, citing climate change impacts. “We respect international laws on wildlife,” he says, “but human rights come first.”

The proposal to cull elephants in Zimbabwe follows Namibia’s recently announced plans to cull 723 wild animals — including 83 elephants — to mitigate the effects of the drought and distribute the meat to communities facing food shortages.

Elephants are protected by international conventions, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.


The discussion reveals a complex issue, with some seeing the culling as a necessary solution to food insecurity and others opposing it due to personal experiences, fear, or concerns about implementation.

As the government moves forward with the culling process, some say it’s essential to consider the diverse perspectives and ensure that the decision is made with the best interests of both humans and animals in mind.

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In the community

Guns still linger: Only 8 guns surrendered amidst rising robberies




With only two weeks left in the firearms amnesty period, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is sounding the alarm over the low number of surrendered guns amidst a surge in armed robberies.


“The public is urged to take advantage of this opportunity to surrender firearms and ammunition voluntarily, without fear of questioning or arrest,” said Commissioner Paul Nyathi

“We are concerned that unregistered firearms and ammunition are in the wrong hands and are being used to commit criminal acts.”

Since the amnesty began on September 1, a paltry eight firearms have been handed over to the authorities, a figure that raises concerns about the prevalence of unregistered weapons in the wrong hands.


“We will continue to conduct physical checks and verifications on all residential and business premises suspected to be harbouring illegal firearms,” Commissioner Nyathi warned. ”

After the expiry of the amnesty period, a nationwide operation will be conducted and arrests will be made for illegal possession of firearms or ammunition.”

The ZRP has called on individuals, companies, and organizations to surrender firearms and ammunition by September 30 to ensure public safety.


“We implore the public to cooperate and voluntarily surrender firearms and ammunition,” Commissioner Nyathi emphasized. “Let us work together to ensure public safety.”

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