Jambezi police has launched a manhunt for a 45-year-old Lunyalalo man under Chief Shana, who allegedly stabbed to death a 29-year-old woman on Monday after the two into an argument.
Police spokesperson Inspector Glory Banda told VicFallsLive that the accused who is being sought has been charged with murder.
They have identified him as Thabani Muntsaka, who is being accused of callously murdering Nemakau Mudimba of Chisomilonga Village.
According to Banda, circumstances are that on Monday at around 9AM, Senzeni Ncube who is the deceased’s aunt saw the two arriving at her grandmother’s homestead, loudly arguing over undisclosed issue, with the accused charging aggressively at the deceased.
“In the process, he stabbed her with a metal rod in the chest and immediately Ncube proceeded to Milonga police base to report the case,” Banda said.
“When she had just came from reporting, she saw the accused fleeing from the homestead and when she checked on her niece, she discovered that she was deceased after being left lying in a pool of blood in of the huts.”
The deceased’s body was taken to Victoria Falls Hospital mortuary, pending postmortem.
” Accused is still at large, but our appeal is that whoever could be having information with regards to the whereabouts of the accused person, who in this case is Thabani Muntsaka of Lunyalalo Village should alert the police so that we allow the wheels of justice to turn, ” Banda appealed.
“At the same time, we warn those that engage in violence that the net will definetly close on them.”
He urged communities to make use of community leaders, police and other counsilling arms whenever there are differences that might turn violent.