The water levels at Kariba Dam have dropped significantly due to reduced upstream inflows, according to the Zambezi River Authority.
The authority reports a decrease of 2.59m compared to the same date in 2023.
The Zambezi River flows at Chavuma gauging station and Victoria Falls are also receding, with the latter being substantially lower than average due to the severe drought experienced during the 2023/2024 rainfall season.
The authority attributes the decline in water levels to the reduced inflows and the severe drought that affected the region.
The Kariba Dam is a critical source of hydroelectric power for Zambia and Zimbabwe, and the declining water levels have raised concerns about power generation.
The authority has initiated measures to allocate water for power generation operations at Kariba dam for 2025.
Local, regional, and international weather experts are meeting in Harare to provide a consensus outlook for the upcoming 2024/2025 rainfall season.
The Zambezi River Authority will utilize the downscaled Kariba Catchment rainfall forecast to undertake detailed hydrological simulations and allocate water accordingly.
The authority assures the public that it will continue to maintain constant surveillance over the hydrological outlook and the Kariba Catchment’s performance and ensure that information regarding any new developments or changes that may occur is timeously disseminated.