The Zambezi River Authority has released an update on the hydrological outlook for the Kariba Catchment and the status of water levels at the Kariba Dam.
According to the authority, the Zambezi River flows at Chavuma gauging station have continued to recede, with a significant drop in water levels compared to the same period last year.
The flows at Victoria Falls are also receding, with a 32.55% drop compared to the same date in 2023.
The lake levels at Kariba Dam have decreased by 2.61m compared to the same date in 2023, with a current level of 476.95m.
The authority attributes the drop in water levels to the severe drought experienced during the 2023/2024 rainfall season.
Despite the decrease, the authority assured the public that it continues to monitor the hydrological outlook and will disseminate any new developments or changes in a timely manner.
Kariba Dam report
The Kariba Dam, located on the Zambezi River, is a critical source of hydroelectric power for Zambia and Zimbabwe.
However, the dam’s water levels have been declining due to the drought, raising concerns about power generation and water supply.
The authority attributes the drop to the reduced inflows from the Zambezi River and its tributaries.
The reduced water levels at Kariba Dam have resulted in a decrease in power generation, with the dam currently producing 650MW of power, down from its installed capacity of 1 080MW.
In addition to the power generation concerns, the reduced water levels at Kariba Dam also pose a risk to the water supply for irrigation and other uses.