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Guns still linger: Only 8 guns surrendered amidst rising robberies




With only two weeks left in the firearms amnesty period, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is sounding the alarm over the low number of surrendered guns amidst a surge in armed robberies.


“The public is urged to take advantage of this opportunity to surrender firearms and ammunition voluntarily, without fear of questioning or arrest,” said Commissioner Paul Nyathi

“We are concerned that unregistered firearms and ammunition are in the wrong hands and are being used to commit criminal acts.”

Since the amnesty began on September 1, a paltry eight firearms have been handed over to the authorities, a figure that raises concerns about the prevalence of unregistered weapons in the wrong hands.


“We will continue to conduct physical checks and verifications on all residential and business premises suspected to be harbouring illegal firearms,” Commissioner Nyathi warned. ”

After the expiry of the amnesty period, a nationwide operation will be conducted and arrests will be made for illegal possession of firearms or ammunition.”

The ZRP has called on individuals, companies, and organizations to surrender firearms and ammunition by September 30 to ensure public safety.


“We implore the public to cooperate and voluntarily surrender firearms and ammunition,” Commissioner Nyathi emphasized. “Let us work together to ensure public safety.”

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Domestic violence turns deadly: Binga man stones wife to death, hangs self




Domestic violence turned deadly when a man killed his wife and later committed suicide.


According to the police, the shocking incident of domestic violence ending in murder and suicide struck in Siantungwana 4 Village, Sikomena, Dobola, on September 16.

The husband, Zibusiso Mhlanga, a 44-year-old man, allegedly attacked his wife, Lydia Mlalazi, 19, with a stone for unknown reasons.

The brutal assault resulted in Lydia’s death upon admission at a local health center in Lusulu.


In a disturbing turn of events, Zibusiso then took his own life by hanging.

The motive behind the attack and subsequent suicide remains unclear.

The Lusulu police are currently investigating the case, attempting to unravel the circumstances surrounding this incident.


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Binga man (65) jailed for attempting to rape seven-year-old girl




A 65-year-old Binga man was sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempted rape which occurred on June 29.


According to court records, the victim, a 7-year-old girl, was sleeping alone in her bedroom when the accused entered her room at midnight.

He covered her face with a blanket and began undressing her. The brave young girl shouted for help, and her father rushed to the scene, interrupting the accused’s sinister intentions.

The victim identified the accused before he fled the scene. The police promptly arrested him, leading to his conviction and subsequent sentencing.


The Hwange Magistrates’ Court handed down the 10-year prison sentence, bringing justice to the victim and her family.

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Two men appear in court for string of burglaries in Victoria Falls




Two men recently appeared in court  facing multiple charges of aggravated unlawful entry and theft after they allegedly went on a spree, breaking into several premises in Victoria Falls, stealing goods worth approximately USD $2 525.


Elton Zibusiso Nyathi, 31, and Thabani Gumbo, 29, the accused individuals allegedly targeted various businesses, including Sinemani Bottle Store, Sinemani Take-away shop, Zapalala Supermarket, Mama and Gogo Butchery, Nice Kicks and Cosmetics shop, Tinashe Gotosa Electrical shop, Faith’s Boutique, and Bridge Africa Technologies.

They stole a range of items, including drinks, snacks, clothing, shoes, handbags, cosmetics, electrical appliances, and cellphones.

According to the prosecution, the accused individuals used force to gain entry into the premises, causing damage to doors and locks.


They allegedly used unknown objects to break into the premises, and in one instance, they damaged the locks of Zapalala Supermarket but failed to gain entry.

The accused individuals were apprehended by the police and made statements indicating how they committed the offenses. They allegedly sold some of the stolen goods and used the proceeds to fund their criminal activities.

The prosecution has evidence, including witness statements, CCTV footage, and recovered stolen goods that will be presented to the court once they plead.


The case is ongoing, and the accused individuals remain in custody.

The defense will have to provide compelling arguments to counter the evidence presented by the prosecution.

Nyathi is facing another charge on raping his daughter sometime last month on two counts of rape.


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