Amidst a devastating economic crisis, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration has sparked outrage by splurging millions on vehicles for traditional chiefs.
On Wednesday, Mnangagwa handed over 90 Isuzu D-Max double cab vehicles to chiefs at the Harare International Conference Centre.
“The facility ensures that the Chiefs can carry out their critical duties more efficiently and effectively,” Mnangagwa said during the handover ceremony.
This unconscionable expenditure has drawn widespread criticism, with many questioning the government’s sanity in prioritizing chiefs’ comfort over citizens’ welfare.
“Look at our education system, here in Jambezi our children are not going to school and even the clinics are far, no roads…that money should be channeled towards giving the people a decent life.”argued Ezekiel Siansali from Jambezi’ Chief Shana.
Witness Dube, another Nkayi villager from Somakandane said this extravagance comes at a time when millions of Zimbabweans are desperate for food, water, and basic necessities.
“Our animals are dying. Everyone is dehydrated because of drought. Why not use that money to provide basics for us. There’s starvation and even the handouts they give are little and only covers a few, but they can spend millions for luxury. It’s not fair.”
The vehicle distribution is part of a policy that provides chiefs with new vehicles every five years, at a staggering cost estimated around $17 million.
Elizabeth Dube said it’s time for the administration to rethink its priorities and address the pressing needs of its citizens, rather than indulging in unnecessary extravagance, but the government insists that this is a necessity.