Thousands of Victoria Falls residents are set to endure a festive season without running water this year after the city council revealed plans to disconnect suppliers to defaulters a few days before Christmas.
The city council said it will start disconnecting water to all residents with outstanding water bills on December 20.
Council is owed millions of dollars by residents, who are struggling to pay their bills due to economic problems that have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Residents and stakeholders are hereby notified that the Victoria Falls City Council will be embarking on a water disconnection exercise (targeting) defaulting ratepayers from the 20th of December 2021 going forward,” the local authority said in a notice.
“The exercise is aimed at recovering the debt for the local authority, which has struggled to provide services due to low revenue streams and will target residents and organisations whose debts are more than 90 days old.”
Council, however, said it will be lenient on those who would come up with payment plans.
“You are therefore encouraged to come forward and clear arrears, or make acceptable payment plans with the local authority for a smooth delivery of services,” it added.
Victoria Falls, the country’s prime tourist destination, is one of the urban areas hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe as the tourism industry was paralysed by the travel restrictions.
Thousands of people lost their sources of income in the resort, hence the failure to pay council bills.